Juraj Revický, partner with Tatra Tender was invited to take part in World Bank Group survey – Benchmarking Public Procurement 2017.
„Benchmarking Public Procurement was launched three years ago to address the lack of comparable data on public procurement at the global level. More specifically, the project focuses on regulatory environments that affect the ability of private companies to do business with governments. It is modeled after the World Bank Group’s Doing Business initiative, which measures the ease of doing business in 189 countries and has fostered over 2000 business regulatory reforms worldwide since its inception in 2003.
Benchmarking Public Procurement was successfully piloted in 11 countries in 2014. Last year, thanks to the support of our contributors, data collection was completed in 77 economies, and an analytical report highlighting the main findings was launched at an event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C. Building on the pilot findings and lessons learned, the methodology and thematic coverage of the project were refined and the project is scaled up this year to cover 189 economies.
For Benchmarking Public Procurement 2017, we are inviting a select number of public procurement experts and practitioners in Slovak Republic to participate in the project by completing the two attached surveys:
The Public Procurement Life Cycle (on the different phases of the public procurement cycle)
Filing a Complaint (on the ease of challenging a public procurement tender through a complaint system).“